You’ve Got Questions—We’ve Got Answers
Got questions? We’ve got answers. Learn all about our League and why we’re the right one for you. We have collected some of the most frequently asked questions that we receive below. We’ve tried to provide the best answers, but if there is something that we missed, please reach out and a member of our staff will get in touch with you!

Official Team Rosters
a. Maximum of 15 players. 1 Head Coach and 2 Assistant Coaches;
coaches must be at least 18 years old. All bench personnel must
be in dress code and listed on official roster submitted and
attached to the Dynasty Hoops event through Exposure to receive
a coach’s band that must be worn for the duration of the
tournament. The coach’s band must be picked up at Check-In
Reception during set time on Friday or Saturday – ID is required
(Coach’s band will not be issued on Sunday) – if any coach is not
wearing a coach’s band, they must purchase a spectator’s band.
Team(s) must be registered and attached in Exposure to Dynasty
event no later than the Monday, 10 pm, prior to event start. All
players must be listed on the official roster through Exposure,
please note there is a deadline to edit rosters prior to the start of
the event. If the event starts on Friday, the deadline is 10 PM
Wednesday prior to the event start. If the event starts on
Saturday, the deadline is 10 PM on Thursday prior to the event
start. Any edits after the deadline must be submitted at coach’s
check-in and will be subjected to a $15.00 fee per team. Any
team registrations after the deadline will be subject to a $50.00
fee per team.
b. Co-ed teams are allowed up to 6th grade in boy’s division; only up to3 girls are allowed on a boys’ team. -
c. Player(s) can play up on multiple teams only if they are playing
under the same organization; player(s) cannot play on two or more
different organizations in the same tournament; all games played for all
organizations played will be automatically forfeited. If their teams are
playing at the same time, that player’s coach must choose one
team for them to play with and must complete that game. Players
cannot play on two or more teams (same organizations/teams) playing in
the same division regardless of pools.

a. Coaches and/ or players ejected for a reason other than fighting
may not participate in their next game. Ejected coaches and/or
players must leave the facility within two minutes. Game will not resume
until ejected coaches and/or players leave the facility. If the player(s) is
(are) 17 and under, a parent or an assistant coach must leave with the
b. Coaches and/or players ejected for fighting will be suspended for
the remainder of the event. This includes everyone leaving the
bench. Ejected coaches and/or players must leave the facility within two
minutes. Game will not resume until ejected coaches and/or players leave
the facility. Ejected coaches and/or players for fighting cannot enter any
facilities being used for said event. If the player(s) is (are) 17 and under, a
parent or an assistant coach must leave with the player(s).
c. Coaches and/or players ejected for a second time may be
suspended for the remainder of the event and possible
suspension of future events. Ejected coaches and/or players must leave
the facility within two minutes. Game will not resume until ejected coaches
and/or players leave the facility. If the player(s) is (are) 17 and under, a
parent or an assistant coach must leave with the player(s).
d. If anyone on the bench leaves to engage with anyone, they will be
suspended for the remainder of the event. Players that leave the
bench must leave the facility. If the player(s) is (are) 17 and under, a parent
or an assistant coach must leave with the player(s).
e. If team(s) is (are) disqualified, the score of that game will stick.
Teams that replace the disqualified teams will be eligible for
bracket play.
f. Spectators and parents are considered representatives for their
organization/team. If they are ejected, the spectators/ parents
from the organization/team will be suspended for the remainder
of the event. The spectators/parents will have 2 minutes to
leave the facility. If it exceeds 2 minutes, then that game for said
team will be forfeited and disqualified. Coaches are responsible for
their players, parents, and spectators to ensure great sportsmanship!
g. Spectators/ parents who proceed across the boundary lines of
the court during any altercation of a game with players,
referees, coaches, or any dynasty hoops staff member will be
suspended for the remainder of the event. Subject to additional

Playing Times
2nd-4th Grade
5th-7th Grade
8th-12th Grade (inc. Post Grads/Prep
Game Length / Ball size
(2) 12min. Halves Overtime: 3min; 1min thereafter
Ball size: 28.5
(2) 14min Halves. Overtime: 3min: 1min thereafter
Ball size: 28.5 for 5th & 6th Grade / 29.5 for 7th Grade
(2) 16min Halves. Overtime: 3min: 1min thereafter
Ball size: 29.5
(2) Full and (2) 30sec timeouts for the duration of the game.
Overtime (1 additional Full Timeout)
All Girl divisions use 28.5
Halftime is 2mins
Between game (warmup time) is 5 minutes
PD (Point Differential {+/-15} win or lose by, then PA (Point Allowed –
lowest amount), then PS (Point Scored – highest amount). Head-to-
head may be applied. Forfeit score is always 15-0. If 3 or more teams
are in a tie and they all play each other, the team with highest PD/PA/PS
gets the highest seed then head-to-head will be applied for the two
remaining teams.
Technical Rules
Technical fouls can be given for bad sportsmanship from the bench personnel or player.
All Technical fouls in any given contest is 2 free throws plus possession,
Press Rule
2nd - 5th Grade: Team winning by 20 points or more must play defense behind the half court line. First Offense: Warning. Second Offense: 2 shot technical foul. Once the lead is dropped to 15 points or less, then the winning team can press.
6th - Varsity: Teams winning by 25 points or more must play defense behind the half court line. First Offense: Warning. Second Offense: 2 shot technical foul. Once the lead is dropped 20 points or less, then the winning team can press.
Running Clock
2nd - 5th Grade: Team winning by 20 or more points, the clock runs from the 2nd half. Once lead is dropped to 15 points or less, then the clock will stop running.
6th Grade - Varsity: Team winning by 25 or more points, the clock runs from the 2nd half. Once lead is dropped to 20 points or less, then clock will stop running.
Bench Personnel & Dress Code
All coaches must wear polos or a team shirt. Must wear long slacks, khakis, joggers, or shorts. NO SLIDES, RIPPED JEANS, SANDALS, OR TANK TOPS. Must be dressed in a professional manner; all bench personnel must be wearing a coach's band to be on the bench. This will be strictly enforced.
A person must be at least 18 years of age to be on the bench.
If a coach does not arrive by game time, a parent/guardian, at least 18 years of age, may be able to sit on the bench until head coach arrives.
Players must take out all piercings to play.
Numbers can be 00, 0-99
Teams must have light and dark colored jerseys.
Home is the lighter color, Visitor is the darker color.
If player(s) do not have appropriate jerseys, one technical foul maybe assessed at the beginning of the game. It's the responsibility of the coach with the infraction to report it to the referee at the beginning of the game; if both coaches agree then no technical foul will be assessed.
If more than one player is wearing the same jersey number, one technical foul maybe assessed at the beginning of the game. It's the responsibility of the coach with the infraction to report it to the referee at the beginning of the game; if both coaches agree then no technical foul will be assessed.
Protest Procedures
a. Protest can be up to 10 minutes prior to game start time. If
challenged player(s) arrives during game, you can protest up to
15 minutes after game has concluded.
b. The Site Director will check challenged player(s) credentials in
a secluded area. If the coach cannot produce protested player(s) credentials, the
game is an automatic forfeit.
c. If the protest is won, player(s) will not be allowed to play for
duration of the tournament; if player(s) played more than one
second, that game is an automatic forfeit and will not be
List of accepted physical documents:​
Copy of Birth Certificate
Report Card/ Progress Report/ school id
Photo ID (Current Headshot)
All coaches are responsible to have a copy of their team(s) official
Roster(s) and their team(s) official book(s) with every player’s
credential (current school years report card, current picture, and Birth
Certificate) with them always; if the coach cannot produce the
protested player(s) credentials, the player(s) is(are) NOT allowed to
participate on the team for the duration of the tournament.
Automatic forfeit will be enforced if the player(s) play(s) after the fact.